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Wishing you all the success in the world.

Vince A. Giorno

Monday, March 22, 2010

Never Give Up on Someone Until They Have Given Up on Themselves

It is a true that many individuals who enter into the MLM industry will quit, give up or fail. This situation is the same as any other business venture. The reasons that these people leave the industry is for another topic.

What I want to discuss is when is the time that you should stop trying to coach, motivate, inspire and/or lead these people? The answer is simple; "NEVER", unless they tell you specifically that they no longer want to do the business and you feel that they are serious about that comment and not simply flying off the cuff.

I have experienced many times, having my representatives say that they want to give up or quit, but then when you look deeper and what is causing their grief, you realize that they are just over exaggerating about a certain issue and through a little motivation, they are right back on track.

But, how many times should you have to do this? The amount of times is limitless unless you truly believe that they have given up and all the motivation in the world will not do a thing.

I had one representative who was so exciting when he became involved in the opportunity. This excitement lasted for about two weeks. He became disillusioned with the fact that the 5 or 10 people with whom he spoke, were not interested in the opportunity. So, what did he do, he stopped trying. I continued to try and motivate him, tried to teach him about the negative aspects of the business, tried to get him to go to training, tried to actually do some of the work for him (bad mistake), but none of it helped.

Instead of simply giving up on him, I just took a step back and gave him his space. I followed up with him every so often just to let him know I was there but never got into specifics. I did not want to push him too much to the point where he felt overwhelmed and left for good, but also did not want to abandon him which may have resulted in the same fate.

I could have easily given up on him and honestly, I felt like doing so many times. He mislead me and outright lied to me, but I did not let his actions get the better of me. I figured that if he really wanted to work the business, he would come to that conclusion on his own. I did not want to try and convince him that he had to do it.

It took several months, but amazingly something happened. This person began to see a decline in the amount of work he was getting with his full time job. Furthermore, his spouse, who ran a small boutique, wanted to give up that business because the travel was too much. So the end result was that they both wanted to get back into the opportunity, more so her interestingly enough.

I recently had a meeting with the two of them and we have initiated a game plan to get them active in the business. They are both very excited about it and looking forward to building their team and I am looking forward to helping them do so.

I have no idea what the future holds for them, but I do know what that future would have been if I gave up on them. At no point did this person ever say to me that he wanted to quit or give up. So because of that, I was certainly not going to give up on him.

Some people are harder to work with than others; some need more motivation and encouragement than others; some are more pleasant to work with than others. but no mater the situation, never give up on them because they may be the ones who lead you to your dreams.

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