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Wishing you all the success in the world.

Vince A. Giorno

Friday, April 9, 2010

If You Are Going To Be in Network Marketing, You Must INVITE, INVITE and INVITE!

I am still very much amazed at the number of people who become involved in the MLM industry who are unable or unwilling to speak to people. Why become involved in the first place if you have reservations, apprehension or fear in this area.

I understand completely that not everyone has the desire and/or ability to communicate with others especially when it pertains to the sensitive issue of inviting a friend or family member to hear about a business opportunity. This industry is not for everyone.

But, what I do not understand is why become involved if there exists a concern about speaking to people. I know in my business, myself, my upline, my down line, everyone who presents, makes it perfectly clear that the main criteria to enter into the Network Marketing industry is to speak to people. And I know that I say outright as do others, if you can't or won't talk to people, please do everyone and especially yourself, a favour and do not get involved.

Despite our best effort in trying to filter out people who do not want to do this, they still become involved nonetheless. I have dealt with people who have said outright to me that they have no problems whatsoever in contacting people, speaking to them, and inviting them to events. But, when I ask them how many people they have spoken to, the number can fit into one hand.

I know that the people I work with do not expect everyone to be able to present the opportunity to others in any format unless they so desire. But, we do expect people to invite others to see the opportunity in whatever setting can be arranged. Those settings can be in a 1 on 1 format, 2 on 1 format, home meeting, or company presentation.

I cannot stress to you enough the importance of speaking to people and inviting them to see the opportunity. There is no other logical way to present the opportunity to others. How do you expect someone to become involved if they can't see what the business is all about.

You must get beyond that fear and apprehension of speaking to people. I think more so it is the fear of being rejected. I recently had a young lady say to me that she did not want to become involved in the business because she feared that she would lose her friends if they became upset with her about the opportunity. I did not agree with her thinking, but at the end of the day, she had concerns about dealing with people and as such she did not want to become involved with the industry. It is better that I found that out beforehand instead of realizing it afterwards. The problem is, there are many people who feel the same as this young lady, but they still become involved an never express their concerns until it is too late.

Make no mistake about it, the MLM industry involves interacting with others, whether they be your friends, family, co workers, neighbours and/or strangers. The methods you can use to speak to these people are many, but you have to speak to them and invite them to see the opportunity. If you can't or won't do this then do not get involved .

If you can perfect one thing in this business, then do so by learning everything you can about approaching people, piquing their interest and especially inviting them to see the opportunity. If you can invite one person a day to see the business, you will become successful. Get out there and INVITE!!

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