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Thank you so much for visiting my Blog "Network Marketing Tips by Vince Giorno." I hope that the information I provide will be of some benefit to your success in the network marketing industry.

Your support is very much appreciated. Please feel free to post any comments as I can only improve on the information I supply to you with your feedback, good or bad.

Wishing you all the success in the world.

Vince A. Giorno

Monday, March 22, 2010

Never Give Up on Someone Until They Have Given Up on Themselves

It is a true that many individuals who enter into the MLM industry will quit, give up or fail. This situation is the same as any other business venture. The reasons that these people leave the industry is for another topic.

What I want to discuss is when is the time that you should stop trying to coach, motivate, inspire and/or lead these people? The answer is simple; "NEVER", unless they tell you specifically that they no longer want to do the business and you feel that they are serious about that comment and not simply flying off the cuff.

I have experienced many times, having my representatives say that they want to give up or quit, but then when you look deeper and what is causing their grief, you realize that they are just over exaggerating about a certain issue and through a little motivation, they are right back on track.

But, how many times should you have to do this? The amount of times is limitless unless you truly believe that they have given up and all the motivation in the world will not do a thing.

I had one representative who was so exciting when he became involved in the opportunity. This excitement lasted for about two weeks. He became disillusioned with the fact that the 5 or 10 people with whom he spoke, were not interested in the opportunity. So, what did he do, he stopped trying. I continued to try and motivate him, tried to teach him about the negative aspects of the business, tried to get him to go to training, tried to actually do some of the work for him (bad mistake), but none of it helped.

Instead of simply giving up on him, I just took a step back and gave him his space. I followed up with him every so often just to let him know I was there but never got into specifics. I did not want to push him too much to the point where he felt overwhelmed and left for good, but also did not want to abandon him which may have resulted in the same fate.

I could have easily given up on him and honestly, I felt like doing so many times. He mislead me and outright lied to me, but I did not let his actions get the better of me. I figured that if he really wanted to work the business, he would come to that conclusion on his own. I did not want to try and convince him that he had to do it.

It took several months, but amazingly something happened. This person began to see a decline in the amount of work he was getting with his full time job. Furthermore, his spouse, who ran a small boutique, wanted to give up that business because the travel was too much. So the end result was that they both wanted to get back into the opportunity, more so her interestingly enough.

I recently had a meeting with the two of them and we have initiated a game plan to get them active in the business. They are both very excited about it and looking forward to building their team and I am looking forward to helping them do so.

I have no idea what the future holds for them, but I do know what that future would have been if I gave up on them. At no point did this person ever say to me that he wanted to quit or give up. So because of that, I was certainly not going to give up on him.

Some people are harder to work with than others; some need more motivation and encouragement than others; some are more pleasant to work with than others. but no mater the situation, never give up on them because they may be the ones who lead you to your dreams.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rejection is Part of Being in Network Marketing

There is a saying in the industry: "Some Will, Some Won't, So What, Next"

The number of people who "don't" is staggering. It is my opinion that 9 out of 10 people who you approach about the business opportunity and/or a product/service, will turn you down. Some members of my team may think that those figures are a bit extreme, but I don't believe so. I think that many people in network marketing try to flower up the figures in an attempt to convince someone to join the business, but I believe in being up front with everything so that there are nor surprises.

The above comments are not said by me as a means to influence you to shy away from getting involved in the business. That thought could not be further from the truth. In fact, I think everyone should get involved in the MLM industry. But, in saying that, everyone needs to be properly educated in what will happen time and time again. And the "what" I am referring to is REJECTION.

Do not be afraid. It's okay to be rejected. Guys, how many women have rejected you in the past, and I'm sure that did not deter you from trying again. That is life both in the regular world and in the MLM world. It's the nature of the beast.

I tell all the members of my team, to not be negatively affected by the rejection, rather learn from it and have the mentality that every rejection leads you closer to that person who will accept it.

I wanted to share a story with you about how easily someone in your life can and will reject whatever you are offering.

I presented the opportunity to this individual a few months ago. He seemed to be very impressed by the business model but indicated that he did not have the money to get involved. I did not pursue that anymore and believed that if he truly wanted to join, then he would have found the money.

So, i did the next best thing and followed up with him to try one of the services that my company offered. I showed him, on paper how he would save about $30 per month on a particular service. He liked that and decided to try it. I submited the necessary documents on line but soon thereafter a problem ensued regarding his credit. It was necessary to have him sign a pre authorized payment form. He was okay with that.

So, what happened after that was a delay in arranging a time to meet with him to do so. Each time I called him he was still very much interested in trying the service and at no point did he ever raise any concerns.

We finally were able to arrange a meeting and confirmed the meeting two days prior. I was enroute to his home and called him when I was in the area and at that point received a shock. His fiancee told me that he was no longer interested in the service and he wasn't even home to discuss it or talk to me. She claimed not to know the reason why he changed his mind.

The fact that he changed his mind, although disappointing, was not what was most bothersome. It's the fact that he did not even have the professional courtesy to call me beforehand so that I did not have to make that long trip to his home. Furthermore, his fiancee is my wife's niece, so that hit a little close to home.

I have to be honest, I was upset, but not enough to deter me from continuing to plug away and say "Some will, some won't, so what, next."

Expect that many people will reject you and many of those people will be your close friends and even your family members. Do not ever get discouraged and never give up. Remember that all those rejections will eventually lead to a prospect and/or a customer.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Do Not Quit Your Network Marketing Business for a Silly Reason

I recently had someone become a member of my team. He appeared to be to be a leader and may in fact turn out to be one so I don't wish to undermine him and his efforts to date. But, that being said, this particular individual did not follow the system as he was instructed to do and after only a very short two weeks, he wanted to leave the business.

I personally spent about three hours at his residence getting him into the business. We discussed various training aspects and he was given step by step instructions and how to start building his team. he did not follow said instructions at least not the way I had wanted. he wavered quite a bit and had his own ideas as he told me. These ideas did not work and he got off to a very slow start.

Now this situation in and of itself could have been reason enough for him to quit. He did complain a bit about the lack of success and I obviously told him that he had to follow the system. He said he would, but at the end of the day, this lack of success was not what caused him to want to quit.

Without getting into the specifics of the company, in order to get his business started, he chose to receive a particular service. In receiving said service, it was necessary for a technician from a large company to attend his residence to perform a particular function. My representative was told that the technician would attend his home between a designated time frame.

I know each and every one of you has experienced this situation and it always ends up that the attendance occurs at the very last minute, but still withing the time frame. Well, guess what, that is exactly what happened. The technician showed up 10 minutes prior to the time period ending. He remained there for only a few short minuets and completed the task he was supposed to perform. He advised my representative that the MLM company now has to perform another task for everything to be complete.

From my perspective, everything that happened was fine. It may have been inconvenient that the visit occurred at the tail end of the designated time frame, but nonetheless, there was a known chance that that would occur and my representative should have been prepared. He became upset that he had to cancel an appointment he had made because the visit had happened so late. In my opinion, that appointment should not have been made or it should have been made much later factoring in the possibility of the late visit.

In any event, I received a phone call from that representative after this situation had occurred. He was furious and said that he had had enough and that he was ready to quit. I was shocked and a little angered because I expected more from this person and I had never imagined that an event such as what happened would have affected him so much. I held those opinions to myself and calmly talked to him about the situation and the fact that whatever had happened had nothing to do with the reason he had become involved in the business. After a long discussion he seemed to have come to his senses and thankfully did not quit. He is still plugging away and will be successful.

The main point I want to share is that, the reason why he wanted to quit was ridiculous. People seem to find it so simple and easy to leave this industry, probably because the cost to get involved is minimal. But I tell people, if you had opened up a hamburger franchise and one day the head office had messed up an order causing a major problem that affected many customers, would you quit at that point? No you wouldn't!! Why, because your investment was way too much to quit over something like that. People have to remember that the MLM industry is a business and with any business problems will occur. You just don't quit over them. Resolve them, learn from them and move on. Treat your MLM business like a $500 000 franchise and not a $ 500 business and you will become successful.