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Thank you so much for visiting my Blog "Network Marketing Tips by Vince Giorno." I hope that the information I provide will be of some benefit to your success in the network marketing industry.

Your support is very much appreciated. Please feel free to post any comments as I can only improve on the information I supply to you with your feedback, good or bad.

Wishing you all the success in the world.

Vince A. Giorno

Monday, February 22, 2010

Never Pre-Judge a potential MLM Prospect

From the very first moment that I joined my networking marketing company, I was told, never to pre-judge anyone. At my first training session, the speaker advised the audience of the following: "Those you think will, wont; those you think won't, will; those you think can, can't; those you think can't, can."

Despite this never ending message being relayed to us, I think it is only natural to cast judgement on people. I think it is simply human nature. Over time, it may be possible to regulate or control this human instinct, but I think it takes a lot of patience and practise.

I think the best way is to keep pounding that message into your brain as often as possible, because we really don't know what is truly inside of some someone. We only see their world from a distance. Even those we think we may be close to, may have another hidden agenda or dreams and desires that they have never shared with anyone.

Their world may seem perfect to you from the outside. That person with the executive job; the one with the 5 bedroom mansion; the one with the BMW 750i. It seems from the outside that they are living the perfect dream so why on earth would they ever be looking for an opportunity.

The same holds true for the opposite spectrum. What about those people who we think do not have any money to put toward a business; those we think are not business minded; those we think have too many bills or problems to have to deal with something else. We feel that those people may not have the brains or the business sense to do well with a network marketing business.

But again, with these people, their burning desire inside of them is what may lead them to be an all star. They may not have money, but they may borrow some once they hear of the fabulous opportunity that you are presenting to them.

The common theme to remember with all of these potential leads is not to pre-judge them. Despite me preaching these words, I recently did such a thing and my perception of this person almost caused me to lose a prospect.

This fellow was a co worker of mine for several years. In fact, I was his immediate supervisor. Due to the nature of our business, we did not often see each other and began to work less closely as he was dealing with another superior at most times. I thought of him right from the start as I did with all my co workers. But I quickly set him aside as I felt that he would not be into this type of business. I never really gave myself a plausible explanation, I just thought based on his personality, that he would not get involved.

But, a few months later, I did communicate with him briefly about the opportunity and he actually said he would be interested to hear about it. We never set a definite date and because of that I again set him aside thinking that he was not interested and that is why he did not follow up with me.

So one particular day, out of the blue, I thought I would contact him again to see if he would attend an information session that was not too far from where he lived. I was very surprised that he jumped at the opportunity, attended the presentation with his fiancee and joined the business a week later.

If I had let my pre-judgement of him take full control, then I would have lost him and most likely down the road, he would have been approached by someone else. He told me that he has been looking for the right home-based business for months. I had no idea that he was. And that is a perfect example of what I said before, that we truly don't know what the intentions and desires are of the people we know.

So, go out there and speak to every single person you know and meet and don't pre-judge them.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Network Marketers: Top 3 Reasons Why People Quit MLM

There is an expression in the business that people don't fail at MLM, they only quit. I am not sure if I completely believe that. I would tend to think that there must be some network marketers out there who are very bad at the business and because of their actions or lack thereof, they fail.

That being said, I do believe that the majority of people who leave the MLM industry, quit. What on earth could cause these people do leave a business that has the opportunity to make them financially independent in a few years? Would someone actually walk away from a great opportunity without a good reason? Yes, they would, and here are the three main reason why I believe they do so.

1. A very poor or lack of a reason "why" they are doing the business.

When I was first told about this concept it was the day that I launched my business. I wasn't forewarned that I would have to come up with a reason before hand so I was a little surprised and caught off guard. I mean, I figured that the reason I got involved was to make money and a ton of it. Isn't that why everybody did so.

So I had to think about it for a bit and came up with something that had to do with spending time with the family, especially my two young children. I had missed spending quality time with my eldest child because of work and I did not want that same scenario to materialize.

I have come to realize that my reason "why", is the most important aspect of the MLM industry. Your "why" has to be good enough to motivate you on a day to day basis. It has to be good enough to get you through the many ups and downs that you will face. It will have to be good enough to get you past the negative attitude you will face from people, some of these people being your close friends and family members.

So, take all the time you need and really dig deep inside yourself to reflect and come up with your reason "why" and don't stop until that reason is absolutely perfect.

2. Not earning enough money right away.

Many people enter the network marketing industry thinking that it is a "get rich quick scheme." It is unfortunate that they feel this way, but the more important point is that this belief is often perpetuated by their sponsor.

Whoever I introduce my business to, I stress more than once, that the results are not a guarantee and furthermore emphasize to them that the opportunity is not a "get rich quick scheme."

Although there are many network marketers who earn significant income within their first year in business, this is not the norm. Most people involved in this industry, do not experience financial rewards for at least 2 to 5 years. In addition, there are many who do not earn significant income until at least 10 years in the industry.

Most MLM companies offer a bonus structure wherein representatives can earn some income while their residual income is building. That being said, the reason that I became involved in this industry and why most others do, is the amount of income that can be generated residually. To earn this type of income takes time and those who lack the patience to wait, will miss the rewards.

If you are not willing to put in at least 2 to 5 years and actually work your business during this time frame, then do not get involved or continue.

3. Not treating your business like a business

Being a network marketer is having your own business. You are an entrepreneur in the true sense of the word. You are a business owner just as much as a person who owns a restaurant franchise.

Unfortunately, most network marketers do not have this same mindset. I think the main reason for this is due to the very low start up costs involved. I sometimes think that the low cost is both a benefit and a curse. How so? If a person only spends $500 to become a network marketer, then many will treat their business like a $500 business. I don't think someone would have that same attitude if they had just paid $500 000 for a restaurant franchise.

So, when a network marketer's business is not going well, if their is a lack of results or no results, then it is so easy to walk away from that $500 investment and many people do. You must treat your business like that million dollar franchise. Believe that you are the owner of a multi million dollar network marketing operation and act accordingly.

In summary, DO NOT QUIT! Focus on a reason "why"; work your business for at least 2 to 5 years and run it like you are the proud owner of a multi million dollar franchise.

Vince A. Giorno

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Roller Coaster Ride of a Network Marketer

This past week has definitely been a true example of the ups and downs that are faced by most people in the network marketing industry. I thought I would share this experience so that you know that you are not alone. No matter how successful a network market may be or how many years they have been involved in the business, they still have to deal with the exact same negative and positive aspects of the business as you do.

Early last week, I contacted a prospect and made arrangements for that person to attend a home meeting. I felt very confident that this person would attend because the night prior to the meeting he actually thanked me for allowing him to look at the opportunity.

However, as the time was inching closer to the 8pm meeting time, this prospect was nowhere to be seen, nor did he call me. I knew at that point that he would not show. I elected to call him just in case. I never expected him to answer let alone provide me with the excuse that he did. He apologized for not attending and said that there was a family emergency. I have heard that line before, but he was more specific and said that his father had a heart attack. I can't imagine anyone making up something like that. Would anyone want to place the forces of nature against them by misleading someone about the health of a parent. So, i believed him and he surprisingly was still open to looking at the business. In fact, I am meeting with him this week for a one on one. By the way, his father is okay.

Well, I was feeling a little cursed but nonetheless, spoke to more people and had 5 attending a presentation on the weekend. I was somewhat unsure if they would all attend but was most certain of a specific two as I was to pick them up. On Friday evening I spoke to this prospect to confirm the appointment but he had to cancel because of work. I was fine with that and we made arrangements for me to call him back on another day. But, later that evening, he called me to say that his boss no longer needed him for work so he was now able to attend the presentation. he went further to ask if his wife would be able to get involved in the opportunity and if she could attend. I said yes and it was confirmed that I would collect them at their home the next day. They did not meet me at the planned location nor did they answer my calls. Later that night, I was able to speak to the prospects wife who told me that they had an emergency and had to attend a hospital. What is it with these emergencies all of a sudden. I certainly did not believe her.

Well, that morning while en route to the presentation, I was feeling a little down. I decided to call the remaining people who were to attend. One person actually said he was already at the location and waiting. Wow, feeling up again. The other prospects I could not get a hold of and they did not attend.

So I met the one prospect and had him sit through the presentation. As it turned out, he had already seen the opportunity about 2 years previous but was willing to stay. the room was very busy and he had to sit alone while I stood at the back being able to see him. When the presentation ended, I went down one row to meet him but he must have gone up another row as he left without talking to me. I felt very angry and thought who on earth does something like that. even if he was not interested, I felt he should have spoken to me to say so. I tried to call him, but he was not responding. I felt completely dejected and wanted to leave the remainder of the presentation. But I did not. I sent the prospect a text message and a short while later he called me. he apologized for having left but he had an appointment . He said he was interested to learn more about the opportunity and it was agreed that we would meet during the week.

What an unbelievable week. So many ups and downs. So many highs and lows. But at the end of the day it worked out well. but even if it didn't. This is the nature of the business. Expect it and embrace it. As a famous saying goes, "Every setback is a set up for a comeback." Ride the waves and sooner than later you will reach your goal. Never give up! Any number of times this past week, I could have given up, but I persevered and hopefully these prospects will join the business. Remember, you are not alone, we all go through this.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Imagination is the Key to Finding MLM Leads

I am sure that you have all heard of the old saying,"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." Well, what if that horse was already at the water? Would that make it any easier to get that horse to drink? No it wouldn't!

No matter how that horse got there, whether it came on it's own, you coerced it, rode it, forced it, it doesn't matter. Once there, the horse will do what it wants. You would have no knowledge as to what is in the mind of that animal.

You might be wondering what the heck all this has to do with leads? Well, the horse is your lead! Now I don't mean that literally. I don't want you calling your friends, family and co-workers horses and then blaming me. The main point that I am trying to make is that you have to think outside the box when trying to identify leads. Do not rely solely on "the list" or more so not on lead generating systems.

There are hundreds of people out there promoting their lead generating systems. I am sure that some of those systems work, but I can guarantee you that most do not. It can't be that simple. Remember, everyone is charging you money for these systems and therefore they have an agenda. Most are not doing so to help you out. Personally, I have not used a system because I haven't needed to. I am not ruling out the possibility that I will, but for now I have that on hold.

Getting back to my horse story. In using these systems, you will get many leads, but their is no guarantee that these people will join your company. In fact, the majority will not. Many of these people are simply tire kickers and you will be wasting your time with them while others don't know what they want so they will explore anything. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying all this to dissuade you from trying these systems. Go ahead, please do so. But, keep in mind that they may not work so I want you to think of other options.

This is where your imagination comes in. I am not talking about a child's imagination of monsters and such. Your own imagination is a key to developing your ideas. All the great thinkers, inventors, artists had great imaginations and they were able to harness that into amazing ideas and creations. In the book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill discusses using your imagination as a key element in association with the Law of Attraction. I will not go into detail about that as I encourage you to read that book as it will change your life.

There are so many different ways to go about and developing leads. You truly have to take some time and think. Whatever comes to your mind about developing leads, simply write that down. You will be surprised with what you can come up with. Do not think that your ideas are silly. They may very well be and you can determine that afterward. Just write it all down. Remember to think outside the box. Go against the norm. Do something that others are afraid to do or will not do.

I don't want to suggest any ideas because that will go against what I am trying to have you develop within yourselves. Remember that everyone is a potential lead. You have no idea what their true situation is in life, you have no idea about their wants and desires. Everyone you encounter and meet is a potential lead. There are hundreds if not thousands or tens of thousands of people around you depending on where you live. You see or walk by many people everyday. You have to come up with ideas as to how to approach these people.

Do not let anyone tell you that leads can't be developed this way or that a list you compile will not work. Many people will try to strongly promote the lead generating systems as the only means of being successful. Recall how you were introduced to your business opportunity. Was it through one of these systems? I wasn't introduced that way.

I have thought of many different ways to find leads and have been successful in doing so. If it worked for me then it will most certainly work for you. Give it a try and I would love to hear about your success.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Motivation is the Key

I realize that it is often very difficult to motivate oneself to work, especially when a person can't see immediate rewards. When you get involved in network marketing, for the most part, individuals will not receive instant monetary gratification. It is therefore very important to stay motivated and focused until your desired gifts are granted.

I experienced this scenario this past weekend. I vowed this year that I would attend most if not all of the training that is offered by my company. These training sessions occur mainly on Saturdays. The training is very important for the following reasons; first it provides motivation to tackle the week ahead and to get over the negative aspects that we encounter every given week. Second, it provides a different perspective on the business. Although the information provided does not change much from week to week, what does change is the person providing the information. That person may say something a little different that the last person or provide one piece of detail that you have never heard before. Every little bit of information helps you to build your business.

Despite the fact that I truly believe the above, it is still hard to get up on a Saturday morning and spend a few hours away from the home. The weekend is the main time when my family can be together for an extended period. My kids want to play with me and that breaks my heart that I can't because of the business. I also leave the children with my wife after she has had a busy week at work herself. She is not always pleased with the fact that I have to be away from the house for a few hours.

I was very close to not attending the training this past weekend. I could have easily slept in or stayed at home with a coffee and the newspaper. But it is at times such as these that I must dig deep and think about the long-term goal of my business. What would my team say to me if I did not attend. If I do not find the training relevant enough, then what would they say or do. Remember, your team will emulate what you do. We have to set an example and do what has to be done not only for our own benefit but for the benefit of your team.

So I got myself out of bed and eventually made it to the training and felt good after doing so. I did however have to deal with the backlash from my wife when I got home, but I will save those details for another story.