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Wishing you all the success in the world.

Vince A. Giorno

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Imagination is the Key to Finding MLM Leads

I am sure that you have all heard of the old saying,"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." Well, what if that horse was already at the water? Would that make it any easier to get that horse to drink? No it wouldn't!

No matter how that horse got there, whether it came on it's own, you coerced it, rode it, forced it, it doesn't matter. Once there, the horse will do what it wants. You would have no knowledge as to what is in the mind of that animal.

You might be wondering what the heck all this has to do with leads? Well, the horse is your lead! Now I don't mean that literally. I don't want you calling your friends, family and co-workers horses and then blaming me. The main point that I am trying to make is that you have to think outside the box when trying to identify leads. Do not rely solely on "the list" or more so not on lead generating systems.

There are hundreds of people out there promoting their lead generating systems. I am sure that some of those systems work, but I can guarantee you that most do not. It can't be that simple. Remember, everyone is charging you money for these systems and therefore they have an agenda. Most are not doing so to help you out. Personally, I have not used a system because I haven't needed to. I am not ruling out the possibility that I will, but for now I have that on hold.

Getting back to my horse story. In using these systems, you will get many leads, but their is no guarantee that these people will join your company. In fact, the majority will not. Many of these people are simply tire kickers and you will be wasting your time with them while others don't know what they want so they will explore anything. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying all this to dissuade you from trying these systems. Go ahead, please do so. But, keep in mind that they may not work so I want you to think of other options.

This is where your imagination comes in. I am not talking about a child's imagination of monsters and such. Your own imagination is a key to developing your ideas. All the great thinkers, inventors, artists had great imaginations and they were able to harness that into amazing ideas and creations. In the book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill discusses using your imagination as a key element in association with the Law of Attraction. I will not go into detail about that as I encourage you to read that book as it will change your life.

There are so many different ways to go about and developing leads. You truly have to take some time and think. Whatever comes to your mind about developing leads, simply write that down. You will be surprised with what you can come up with. Do not think that your ideas are silly. They may very well be and you can determine that afterward. Just write it all down. Remember to think outside the box. Go against the norm. Do something that others are afraid to do or will not do.

I don't want to suggest any ideas because that will go against what I am trying to have you develop within yourselves. Remember that everyone is a potential lead. You have no idea what their true situation is in life, you have no idea about their wants and desires. Everyone you encounter and meet is a potential lead. There are hundreds if not thousands or tens of thousands of people around you depending on where you live. You see or walk by many people everyday. You have to come up with ideas as to how to approach these people.

Do not let anyone tell you that leads can't be developed this way or that a list you compile will not work. Many people will try to strongly promote the lead generating systems as the only means of being successful. Recall how you were introduced to your business opportunity. Was it through one of these systems? I wasn't introduced that way.

I have thought of many different ways to find leads and have been successful in doing so. If it worked for me then it will most certainly work for you. Give it a try and I would love to hear about your success.

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